Sunday, March 25, 2012

my nephews absence

My darling nephew, Darcy, has been vacant from my life for almost a year now. He only visits sometimes, and even then he is incredibly short, and not so fond. His respect towards me is still there, but i feel as if his admiration is dwindling. I just hope the proposal will come sooner than later.


  1. Lady Catherine, don't you suppose it is a bit presumptuous to believe that Darcy will propose to Georgiana? I mean really you cannot be sure of such a thing. And as for his respect towards you dwindling, it is usually a general notion that what you give, you receive.

  2. I am clearly in love with Elizabeth. I do not know how many times I must say it till people understand. It is uncontrollable and I will not marry Georgiana. Our visits consist of the same thing every time and all I am focused on right now is my love towards Elizabeth.
