Sunday, March 11, 2012

Darcys Proposal

I am infuriated at the simple mindness of my nephew. He has tarnished the family name with such thoughts as marrying such an insolent girl! Our families will never mix, nor will I ever allow such a misfortunate crime. If she does not watch how she acts I will make it a most serious objective to have a chat with her, and assert her in her place in soceity.


  1. I am in love with Elizabeth and you do not have a say in who I marry. I will marry her with or without your blessing. I fell in love with her and i can not change that. This is my decision not yours.

  2. At least their family isn't mean like you. The Bennet sisters and perfect to me and apparently to Mr. Darcy too. ALthough Mr. Darcy did tell me to stay away from Lizzy, I support Mr. Darcy's decisions, they most always turn out swell.

  3. I am very appalled by your trash-talking. My family and I have not wronged your family in any way, yet, you look down on us like were some garbage you can walk all over. I find that very insulting. Being related to Darcy, you know him just as well as i, or perhaps even better than i do; you shall believe me when i reassure you that he is a man of his desires and does not long to please other people. He will do as he chooses, although, i will refuse the proposal.

  4. My dear aunt, I cannot help my feelings for her. If there was a way I could revoke them, I would, but now I fear I have fallen in love wit her. Now, I hope, you can understand my decisions and my reasons for proposing. Please accept my decisions.

  5. I agree with Darcy. Love overthrows everything, and i mean EVERYTHING. You just need to chillax Lady C. Your nephew is a smart man and he knows what he is doing. At least she said no?....

  6. HEY! Who are you to say that my daughter cannot marry your nephew? Also, I recently received a letter from my daughter, Elizabeth, stating that you were criticizing my and my wife's parenting skills. If anything, my wife and I have produced upstanding daughters who are far more classy than yours will ever be! If I could give you one piece of advice, it would be to stop being so close minded and myopic. Good day!

  7. Although Darcy is a very successful man, I think that my sister has made her choice. I believe Darcy had asked her to marry him because of true love. He did not care for her social status. Lady Catherine you are very wise; however, love is to be decided by Darcy and Elizabeth.
