Sunday, March 11, 2012


Elizabeth Bennet has had the honor to meet me, but I must say her character is most unique. She has not had the privlidge of a nanny while growing up, and in my opinion it is quite a shame. Her character could do with a bit of morphing. She aqcuires no respect humbleness, nor does not listen to valueble advice when given to her. Elizabeth has managed to capture the attention of Colonel Fitzwilliam which I hope he does seddle down quite soon.


  1. Why Lady Catherine, you do not know me surely enough. Not having a nanny while growing up does not matter, as I may be just as good as any other woman that you see walking around any given room. I have heard quite a few things about you and think that you are a disagreeable woman. Aside from that, I do not need any advice from anyone. I do not think that the lack of needing advice is considered a fault.

  2. Dear Lady Catherine, despite my sisters and I growing up with out a nanny we have all turned out remarkably well. It is a shame to here you speek this way about my sister, I can assure you that she is a delightful girl and does not leave one wanting. Although I am sure you did not speek this way with out cause, I urge you to reconcider. I hope that my oppenion did not offend you in any way.
