Thursday, March 29, 2012

Mr. Darcy

I have heard wild rumors of Mr. Darcy becoming fond of Miss Benett and I have made a note to chat wiht him about.. prior engagements. I do hope he does nothing rash because it will not only reflect on him. I have not had any truth put into the rumors, so I have not thought much of them, but what an embarresment if they turn out true.

Mr. Collins

I have met with Mr.Collins today and have become exceedingly proud in his choice of bride. At first I
 did not think much of her, and could not help but scold him for not chosing a Benett, but with the latest scandal it has shown he does now how to think. He has picked an appropriate bride for his position, and one that will bring him joy instead of embarressment. I have also welcomed her into my home more frequently congragulating her on how proper she is.

Miss Darcy

Miss Darcy has made an excellent impression on Elizabeth, so I am told by the house keeper. Elizabeth and Miss Darcy are noticed to admire each other. I am not surprised Miss Darcy likes her because Elizabeth does have a certain.. spunk in her. I do hope Miss Darcy does avoid her company in the future though it will not do good for her reputation.


It seems as if the Benetts have shown their true nature this week. The latest scandal comes from their daughter, Lydia. The girl never stood a chance in this world with out proper guidance. Also, I have been informed that she is not even ashamed of her actions.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

my nephews absence

My darling nephew, Darcy, has been vacant from my life for almost a year now. He only visits sometimes, and even then he is incredibly short, and not so fond. His respect towards me is still there, but i feel as if his admiration is dwindling. I just hope the proposal will come sooner than later.

My Nephews Compliments

My families reputation continues to grow. Mrs. Reynolds, the house keeper, has informed my of the Benett family's visit and the great compliments they payed him. His hospitality was outstanding considering he made a very formal vistit to them at their lodgings. His manners towards people with lesser money is quite remarkable.

Darcys Behavior

Darcy has been acting incredibly weird lately, and its really starting to fret me. His behavior towards my lovely daughter has grown more distant, and not so polite. He is constantly distracted, and grows to be more and more tempormental. I do hope he becomes well soon.


Word has reached me that one of Miss Benetts girls has created quite the scandal. I can not say I am surprised, only a little dissappointed. I really thought with all the wisdom I had bestowed upon her she would have brought some sense to her sisters. Oh well, I really do hope she can recover and maybe marry a nice man. Of course he wont be wealthy, but she does not deserve to be an old maid.

The Departing

Mr. Collin's family have finally departed. I took a good portion of my day wishing them farwell. I also bestowed upon them some wise advice for their travels. Miss Benett was in quite an odd mood though, for some reason she seemed.. proud. I did happen to give her very good advice on how she should be acting and improving herself though. Im very pleased that I could atleast help out in that small way.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Darcys Proposal

I am infuriated at the simple mindness of my nephew. He has tarnished the family name with such thoughts as marrying such an insolent girl! Our families will never mix, nor will I ever allow such a misfortunate crime. If she does not watch how she acts I will make it a most serious objective to have a chat with her, and assert her in her place in soceity.

The Marriage

Mr. Darcys return is in no doubt to see his most elegant cousin. Although, he does not dout on her like I may wish, he has shown no objections to the marriage proposal. The pair would make such a fine couple, in my most high opinion. Her acheivements make her the most valueble partner, no finer one could be fine.


Elizabeth Bennet has had the honor to meet me, but I must say her character is most unique. She has not had the privlidge of a nanny while growing up, and in my opinion it is quite a shame. Her character could do with a bit of morphing. She aqcuires no respect humbleness, nor does not listen to valueble advice when given to her. Elizabeth has managed to capture the attention of Colonel Fitzwilliam which I hope he does seddle down quite soon.

Darcy Visits

My beloved nephew Darcy has finally visited me. Him and his cousin Colonel Fitzwilliam make it just in time to meet my most loyal subject, Mr. Collins, wifes family. I must say they make me proud with their charm, and social skills. My family never ceases to impress me with their class.